i believe everyone should be able to be comfortable in clothing.
(not everyone is!)
I didn’t know it existed but some of my earliest memories involve my SPD. I didn’t understand it, but even at an early age I knew I wasn’t like everyone else. I cut all clothing tags off and have had to settle for, avoid, and improvise on clothing everyday! My body does not respond well to most fabrics, clothing seams, and any type of compression. This causes a large amount of stress and anxiety for me. To be comfortable, I’ve worn my clothing inside out most of my life (but only in the privacy of my own home). Having these clothing restrictions means there are very few things I can wear. I didn’t know there was specialty clothing for SPD or that SPD even existed! As an adult in my 40’s is when I found out that I’m 1 of the 1 in 20 people that have a form of SPD. It was life changing! I also discovered that even specialty clothing didn’t work for me.
I was always uncomfortable everywhere I went, including family gatherings. So a few years ago I decided to stop suffering. I had my clothes on inside out and I left the house for an event. Finally, I was comfortable! But unfortunately, I was mentally uncomfortable. I felt like “an elephant in the room”. My ah-ha moment came later when I was getting ready to take my children to an event. ‘Make my inside out clothing look like it’s supposed to be that way.’ My solution…I designed iron on patches and covered the visible tags and labels that I couldn’t completely cut off.
After reading about so many others who are like me and their daily (sometimes heartbreaking) challenges, I decided to start this company. It’s my mission to spread awareness, understanding, and acceptance of SPD. I hope to help people understand what it’s like to live with SPD. Many who have SPD or a loved one with SPD aren’t aware of what it is and have no information about it. (I wish I would have known earlier in life.)
So much money and time is wasted on clothing that doesn’t work. Who would have thought…that for many, it’s as easy as turning the clothing inside out before wearing it. The fabric on the outside is usually smoother and softer and doesn’t change much over time. And now there’s no seams rubbing anywhere on your skin! My hope is that everyone can be comfortable in affordable and style accepted clothing. A portion of the profits are donated to help further awareness, understanding, and acceptance of Sensory Processing Disorder.
Everyone Deserves Comfort
I started this company with a mission: Everyone should be able to afford to be comfortable! I started by creating a Patch Book so anyone can iron patches on their own inside out clothing (just like I did). Then I began designing textile sensitive clothing (for anyone who doesn’t want to iron). We offer New and Renewed (gently pre-owned) clothing. Renewed means that I have inspected and approved the quality (I won’t sell it if I wouldn’t wear it). I have cleaned it, turned it inside out, and removed or covered all manufacturer's tags. I've added some style, and made it comfortable at the same time.
June 2020 ~ Three years before my '“ah-ha” moment with my clothing on inside out.